AoH at CEU, April,2018Dear All, First of all I would like to congratulate you to the workshop. Yesterday when I went to the Auditorium at the end of the event, I was persuaded, seeing the smily faces, and the new friendships made during the three days, that this must have been a very successful week-end with full of experiences.
I would be happy to hear your personal opinions about it and the plans for the future.
Let’s meet sometimes next week, Wednesday-Friday. Let me know the time when you are both available.
In the meanwhile, could you please send me some photos of the event so I can post it on CEU’s FB group and web site?
Is it ok to use the photos public, did the participants signed a photo concern or had their verbal approval?
Thank you.
Deputy-director, Community Engagement Office
Strasbourg: the Social Business Initiative conference.This document was written by Matthieu Kleinschmager and myself as a contribution to a study on social innovation in Europe by the Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA), a think tank connected with the Commission.Our names are in footnote 1 of the document, but I have now also put them in the footer. The anonymity is a classic feature of life as a dedicated civil servant. Somebody higher up the hierarchical food chain often takes the credit, but this time it was just the ingrained habit of collective reflex.I include the article again. It is also posted, extremely obscurely, on the AoH Ning site, in the European Commission group there - where there is more good material, so head on over and investigate, folks! I am aware that it belongs on the project stories page there, but I think that needs to be done by an administrator! projects-1
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