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Duna Region news
Dear Friends!
we had the most inspiring week-end gathering of SoL friends and or friends we know from other projects. 5 from Hungary, 3 from Italy, 2 from Croatia, 2 from Slovenia, 1 from Slovakia, 2 from Austria, 2 from Germany and had the greetings of 2 people from Bulgaria...We looked into the projects we keep dear to our hearts that reflect transformative learning and systemic transformation based on ideas gained from Helena Norberg-Hodge's work and the Economy of Happiness. Sol Hu shared results of the 3 year long Hosting Transformation project sponsored by EU LLL Grundtvig fund where we worked together in an intense partnership and see the results of a beautiful book and a Changemakers festival and a lasting partnership of IPTL. We are hoping to share all of that at the Global SoL Forum together with our other projects.
We, our region is going to host the Changemakers Festival 2014 in the summer next year with the coordination of an international team, focused by Jasenka Gojsic and Bea Kormos.
We also talked about the potential we see in connecting our passion driven projects, such as Duna Collegium, DunaVision eco-social entrepreneurship, Pioneers of Change, sharing our experiences working with multinationals in the region as I work with a filia of a bank, Alfred works with the headquorters...Jozo with the City of the Furues in Slovakia, Jasenka and Agota and marjeta working with Public Admin, Marjeta sharing her SoS, Strenth of Slovenia large group AI gathering, etc... etc... Actually I wish we had had two more could have been even more enriching...
We certainly feel it is useful to connect, to share and get inspired and strenthened this way...yet when it was the question of whether belonging to Global SoL as a cooperative unit in the Duna region...we were less sure... hesitant to know why? and what for? we will see how it emerges though...Some of us do connect to the larger Art of Hosting community anyway, so it is a real question what makes us want to belong or to put it in another way...what makes Global SoL want us to belong??? Love and greetings, Agota