SoL Coaching, Hungary

SoL Coaching is an approach based on the core disciplines of learning organizations. In order to be able to live and lead a generative and creative work/life, we need to be able
  • to understand the complexity of our times
  • to see the power in cooperation and participation
    • to be inspired by the vision we presence and hold,
Thus we allow for an organic- sustainable - relationship to be grown between coach and coachee by way of seeing work and life as a complex interrelationship of living systems, where inner consciousness and outer social and environmental dynamics shape and form our reality. We - therefore - as a community of practice - offer
  • learning partnership to our partners:
                • practice and development fields for both coaches and coachees,
                • Individual and Team Coaching training courses:
                            • Basics:
                            • Advanced: constellation and emotional work with advanced systemic archetypes, deep inquiry and mindfulness practice
                            • Elaborate: opportunity to go in deeper understanding and practice in reflection of subtleties
  • on-the-job/shadow coaching
  • executive coaching
  • team coaching: TérTeremtő coaching
OUR core team: Ágota Ruzsa,  mindfulness and systems based  coach Donal O'Neill, TA based coach Ildikó Kovács, AI based executive coach Sarolta László, coordinator, coach