Peter Senge

Peter Senge, a SoL alapítója, MIT egyetem,Sloan School of Management,
Peter Senge is a senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and co-founder of SoL (Society for Organizational Learning) and the Academy for Systemic Change. He is the author of The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, co-author of the three related fieldbooks, including Schools That Learn; Presence; and most recently, The Necessary Revolution: How Individuals and Organizations are Working Together to Create a Sustainable World. The Financial Times called The Fifth Discipline one of the five “most important management books” of all time and the Journal of Strategy and Business named Peter a “Strategist of the Century,” as one of the 24 people who had the greatest influence on business strategy in the 20th century. Peter works with organizations throughout the world on decentralizing the role of leadership to enhance the capacities of all people to build healthier human systems.
Senge videója a U.Lab kurzusban.
video 1.
video 2.
video 3. on systems thinking from the beginning
video 4.
video 5. on hosting and the inner spaces of our consciousness, AoH & SoL
Az 5. alapelv cikk és
video . Ez a video tökéletesen tükrözi azt a szándékot, irányt és elköteleződést, amely bennünk is munkálkodik a mindenkori lehetőségek keretein belül.
Peter Senge, March 27 at MOOC
MIT, Sloan School of Management, Legfrissebb cikke itt olvasható a fenntarthatóságról.